And in a month that use to be bear, such a rallie... Just keep betting on the upside, please do it bulltards... before you know it, market crashs...
Just keep believing in what fed and other crooks tell you. It was great in the past wasn´t it?
What a beautiful bat formation...
Today something happen. Long time since they didn´t appear, but today was the day. Someones came under a rock and just insulted me and the profets of doom... How wonderful these people are... just today that they are making money, or went positive for a long time, feeling good, what they do? They insult other people... the welfare for them is tossing others, i have to tell you, i have sorry for them, for beeing so low lifes and sad people.
But these guys showing up, with such confidence that their political crooks friends saved the world, are telling that maybe the top is in... and when the market starts rolling down again they will disappear, praying for some miracle.
We are not doctor dooms you sorry asses, we just are trying to open the eyes of people in order to put the world on the right track... If you want to insult someone insult the politics and other crooks... or maybe you are the politics or their friends...
Queria dizer uma coisa. O facto de estarmos pessimistas na economia há algum tempo e as nossas previsões se concretizarem não quer dizer que queiramos isso... chamarem profetas de desgraça por falarmos de um assunto importante e tentarmos ir além das mentiras dos governos devia ser benéfico e com isso as pessoas exigirem aos governantes a verdade, mas ao invés, chamam profetas de desgraça pois devem pensar que desejamos o que se passa... nada mais longe da verdade, pois o facto de nos esforçarmos para dizer as coisas como elas são somos das poucas pessoas que realmente querem mudar isto. Se vocês vissem o vosso filho beber que nem um louco e querer conduzir não vão tentar impedi-lo''??? ou ao invés vão-se chamar profetas da desgraça? Reflictam.