Everyone is bullish with the wrong reasons... Bulls are insulting everyone who is bear... American economy is a total farse and i say here that we are gonna see AMERICAN GDP FALLING MORE THAN 10% YEAR soon...
American economy is a farse, a joke, a FUCKING LIE, thanks to bernanke, obama and company.
Breakup of the channel.... typical. And besides this breakup of this channel the other indexes, namely XLF and IWM reveal weekness... Market holding because of ge´s and ibm´s? I am calling the top here.
I am developing a system, a simple one with good results so far. This is a way to put aside emotional trading and only objective trading, and this way i will have more time for other kind of analysis... For now my system is still on long side mode, but are near inversion... I will in a few days start putting on the side bar my system signal for S&P500 that is a leading index for me, if it is long or short... i will trade only on the side the system is pointing. Hope to be of good use for you too.
Some charts that indicate some kind of bearish configuration. And remember, February is the worst month the last 10 years for stockmarket...
UPDATE: Just to say that my system that went long S&P500 on 1190 just gave now SHORT SIGNAL...
While the BANANA republic market of USA can´t correct even 0.50%... It is getting ridiculous serious... Forex is giving good signs...
AUDUSD is getting started the way down and EURUSD just pausing before returning to sell off. Here are the charts.
NASDAQ100 i am shorting with FOREX profits... when the plug is pulled it will be fun... remember 2008? 2 weeks to wipe out 5 years of gains... and the famous flash crash... in minutes wiped out months of rising... carefull in this rigged market.
And markets, nasdaq100 for example keep pumping up like there is no tomorrow not retracement shit... How nice markets are, not allowing some kind of correction...
FED nowadays is a genocide machine that is turning food at prices that million of people can´t buy and for what? For some shit fat asses earn easy money... but this is about to end, in 1 week, 1 month or 1 year... it will end.
For the markets i am doing some thing. As forex markets are more dificult to manipulate, they are the first to give some signals... so i am shorting EURUSD and AUDUSD and with profits i am shorting other indexes... This party will end and i want to be in when that happens.
And let me remember one thing to the fuckers that insulted me privatly... in 2008 market crashed in 2 weeks 4 years of market rising... so good luck in this market rolet... when they pull the plug you will wish to be out when your broker call you in the morning to you provide money to your margin account because you were wiped out in the night...
Hope you had a nice holiday... FED can´t keep this monster up, or more they hold, severe will be the fall... I continue to place money on Volatility through Amundi Volatility Euro Equities Funds because i prefer to enter on stock funds when this crazyness of pumping money burst and the rise will be more steady.
For now i am ALL IN with my "play money" on TZA, FAZ and SHORT AUD/USD. I will try to place more posts with signals given by my system, and for now AUD/USD is giving a strong sell signal... IWM will give the signal tomorrow i am antecipating.
Have a great 2011... it will be fun.
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