AAPL The new bubble stock

Never though i would say this, but AAPL is on a BUBBLE MODE.

Don´t buy this stock @ these levels, sell it or short it. AAPL worth 4 times new zeland or 3 times poland? Worth more than the entire retail sector on USA?

I have just one word for this... WTF!!!?!?!?!?

I am shorting these bubble right here right now @ 592. I am not going to wait for 600.

Nasdaq100 will crack big time due to these bubble ending. AAPL = NASDAQ100 and when appl cracks nasdaq100 will DIE.

Extend and pretend

is all what politicians do and know how to do it... but the money printing is skyrocketing oil for example which combined with austerity measures is an explosive mix for recession...

Those who believe that we are not going to enter in a huge recession are lunatic... we are in a huge recession due to central bankers measures that are skyrocketing inflation on one hand and on the other hand the salaries are beeing cut off...

I have an advice for people, get out of your longs on the markets, because what you saw last august was the warm up... When this fake liquidity induced by central crookers ends, if you are long bye bye.

I am not long but short for now officialy on nasdaq100, eurusd, audusd, nzdusd, dax30, cac40, SP500...

I don´t believe this rallie continue, forex is giving the signal...

BTW apple stock worth more then some countries... twice poland?? almost 4 times new zeland? I say WTF... Apple stock another example of irracional exuberance... APPLE stock is not a buy candidate here, is cleary a short candidate.