Ready to take off - Bull side

Data doesn´t matter nowadays, only QEasing of central banks...

Market corrected some points, but as you can see on the following chart it´s on a zone of taking off again to new highs.

Don´t look @ data but look @ the charts. They print what central banks are doing and what the market is thinking of it. 

Of course we all know how this will end, in another market crash, but that event is not on the charts for now.

So just buy some longs and good weekend.

Another big trade is setting up

Long some indexes, namely SP500, nasdaq100, nikkei, etc.

Long AudJpy, NzdJpy

Short EurUsd and EurAud.

Short SILVER, i think will settle on 17 value.

Yen is setting up another fall which lead to the rise of nikkei again.

Short term trade setup.