Tirei isto de http://slopeofhope.com/2010/01/quote-of-the-day.html . Tive de colocar aqui já que é muito relevante quer a frase, quer o gráfico. Incrivel as semelhanças, quer nas mesmas frases que se ouvem hoje e se ouviam nos anos 30 e até no gráfico, queda e rallie. E não, desta vez NÃO vai ser diferente...
"This is a bull market.......The difference this time is the speed at which companies adjusted and cut their costs. We all know that when a recovery does take hold, the rebound in earnings is going to be very dramatic." - CIBC Asset Management, October 2009
For old-timers on Slope, you may remember reading this before........
"...industrialists have been cutting costs and increasing efficiency. This will increase profit margins when the recovery comes." - Wall Street Journal - July 11, 1930."