Dow Jones - Update

Markets went up again, even when everything around is busted. They talk about results from the big companies... WOW banks results are from Trading and mark-to-bullshit. The rest of the big companies are getting good results on paper why? Maybe because everyone else is going bust and bankrupt. Please...

Techically Dow Jones is doing a Rising Wedge like my charts are showing. Lot´s of divergences and 1 month overbought might kick off some sell off. Break 11.000 point will be the starting point.

Investment Guru Jim Rogers, Chairman of Rogers Holdings, commented Saturday on a phone interview with CNBC about the SEC accusations of fraud against Goldman Sachs :"Markets are overdue for a correction, Any market that goes up this much, this fast, this steadily without correction - it's not normal. When that sort of things happens, the market could be setting itself up for a 15 - 20% correction."

"What I am doing is watching. If this is going to be the beginning of a correction. we will know how the markets does next week, by Thursday, I suspect. It's not time to sell in any significant way." He added